Love and Faithfulness

‘The LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness…’

Exodus 34:6 (ESV)

God reveals His character to Moses in the above passage of Scripture. It emphasises His compassion, grace, patience, love, and faithfulness. Verse 7 also states that God will not leave the guilty unpunished, and the consequences of sin may extend to their descendants. According to the Judeo-Christian tradition, this passage highlights both God’s mercy and justice.

Our lives and that of our family are always enriched by thinking about God’s love and faithfulness. In our main Scripture today, the character of God is revealed. Dramatically, God revealed Himself to Moses as Yahweh, the eternal, immutable God. According to Cole,  “The name of YHWH expresses all that He is and does, so this means the proclamation of the saving acts of God… Here is God’s Self-revelation, proclaiming His very self to Moses.” 

It is commendable for every individual to know and make known of God through their life. Having a firm understanding of God’s faithfulness, mercy, love, and longsuffering helps us along our journey with Him. Moreover, knowing that transgression and sin are all mentioned makes us aware that sin has consequences. God punishes all sins. There are no sins that reach beyond God’s love. If His love and forgiveness are rejected, God will punish, and that punishment will have repercussions through the generations (Exodus 20:5).

His loving, gracious, and giving character does not cancel out His righteousness. Because of the work of Jesus, the righteousness of God is satisfied, and the grace and mercy of God are righteously given. Today, choose to rest in the loving, righteous God. 


Lord, thank You for Your love and Your mercy. I pray for Your guidance as I walk in this journey of life, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Read: Psalm 86:15; 2 Thessalonians 3:3 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 18:37-42; Matthew 24:32-51; Matthew 25:1-13; Job 38; Job 39; Job 40:1-2

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